Petrichor Jr. is a vibrant and engaging platform dedicated to nurturing language skills and fostering a deep appreciation for the English language among young learners. Our club is designed to provide primary school students with an enriching environment where they enhance their language proficiency, develop creativity, and cultivate a lifelong love for reading and writing.


*Skills updradation:  

* Language Proficiency: We aim to strengthen students' language skills, encompassing listening, speaking, reading, and writing, through interactive and dynamic activities.

* Reading Enthusiasm: We endeavour to ignite a passion for reading by introducing students to captivating stories, diverse genres, and thought-provoking literature.

* Expressive Writing: Through creative writing exercises and workshops, we encourage students to express themselves imaginatively and effectively, building their confidence in written communication.

* Make learning fun: By inculcating various engaging and hands on activities, the club aims to make the learning process  interesting and fun. 


* English Board Games 

* Spelling Bee

* Book Reading Marathon

* English Movie Day


* Storytelling Sessions: We bring stories to life, captivating young minds and enhancing their comprehension and listening skills. Usage of props and puppets makes it even more interesting. 

* Language Games: Fun language-related games stimulate learning in an entertaining manner, making language acquisition effortless.

* Creative Writing Workshops: Guided writing exercises inspire students to unleash their creativity while honing their writing prowess.

* Vocabulary Ventures: Interactive vocabulary games and challenges make learning new words enjoyable and memorable. Students learn new words through crossword puzzles, word train, word bingo etc.